Dr Cyril Maillon
FLAAK (keratopigmentation) in Paris
Practised in PARIS by Dr MAILLON at the Lamartine Clinic, FLAAK (keratopigmentation) is now the benchmark technique for changing eye colour.
Initially used for therapeutic purposes, FLAAK (keratopigmentation) was developed in the 2000s for reconstructing the eyes and traumatic irises.
Since 2010, the safety of the pigment, which is biocompatible with the cornea, the quality of the results obtained, and patient satisfaction have led to the technique being extended to aesthetic indications.
Its safety has now been demonstrated: no serious complications have arisen in over 1,000 patients operated on to date.
Dr Cyril Maillon
FLAAK (keratopigmentation) à Paris
Who is Dr Cyril Maillon, ophthalmic surgeon in Paris?
Founder and partner of Point Vision Paris, Dr MAILLON is a highly experienced surgeon with a proven track record in refractive surgery techniques and the use of the latest generation of femtosecond lasers. In 2013 he became the youngest French surgeon to have performed SMILE.
Since then, with more than 1,000 patients under his care, he has mastered the use of the VISUMAX laser for corneal FLAAK (keratopigmentation).
Together with DR FERRARI, he launched the corneal FLAAK (keratopigmentation) technique, which he helped to develop by working with him to refine the surgical technique. DR MAILLON OPERATES AT THE CLINIQUE LAMARTINE in the 16th arrondissement of Paris.
Today, he is one of the undisputed leaders in the FLAAK (keratopigmentation) field,
internationally recognized, he operates on patients from all over the world.

Dr Cyril Maillon
FLAAK (keratopigmentation) in Paris
FLAAK (keratopigmentation) is a novel procedure that permanently changes the color of the eye by means of creating an intracorneal tunnel with the aid of a femtosecond laser and inserting a special pigment in front of the natural pigment of the eye.
Completely different from iris implants, laser depigmentation, and eye tattooing, FLAAK (keratopigmentation) procedure doesn’t involve the opening of the eye and therefore avoids intraocular complications like hemorrhages, infection, retinal detachment, and glaucoma.
Automated with the highest precision laser technology, the procedure is performed under topical anesthesia with eye anesthetic drops and is not painful.
The FLAAK (keratopigmentation) procedure is performed by global experts and has been published in Europe for more than 15 years, with great surgical success, patient satisfaction, and has received high praise from ophthalmologists around the world